Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

I'm just too tired of being this
Άηð I don't know how to fix it
I need more strenght to face it well
Άηð of course much passion to make it better
Okay..nothing happen right now
I just really miss my man
And I can't tell him about this

I just want you to know that I really love you
Άηð I hope you love me... Like I do
I hope you'll always happy with or without me beside you
Its not too easy for me... But I'll try
Be happy there,my man....
I'll wait you until that time
Άηð I can't wait to see you every day
Please,promise me to do everything well.... Better than before
I know you can
Just believe that...
Love you (~´ з`)ε`~)

sampai lupa

 hai... sudah begitu lama... bukannnya aku tak ingin menulis lagi atau bagaimana... hanya saja terkadang aku tak punya waktu jika bisa dibil...